FIITJEE Announces POSAT – Proctored Online Scholarship cum Admission Test to be held on 2nd August 2020
Amidst current lockdown situation due to pandemic COVID-19, FIITJEE has facilitated Proctored Online Scholarship cum Admission Test (POSAT). The first Proctored Online Scholarship Test is scheduled to be conducted on 2nd August 2020. Students will be taking the test from home.
The Proctored Online Scholarship cum Admission Test (POSAT) is for students currently studying in Class XI or those who have already cleared XII and wishes to prepare for IITJEE & intends to take admission into FIITJEE Classroom/Live Online Classroom Program. This exam can be taken even by those students who have already joined FIITJEE classroom program during lockdown through Home Based Online Admission Tests. Ld.
Mr. Partha Halder, Director said, “Challenges will keep coming in various forms. It is important to be flexible and adapt to newer ways of overcoming those challenges. Innovation is the key essence. Today we are hit by COVID-19 tomorrow it could be something else so sooner we adapt we will emerge victorious.”
A 3-tier Proctoring System will be implemented wherein the First-tier is handled by Artificial Intelligence, the Second-tier by trained Live Online Proctor (Invigilator) and the Third-tier is Post Test proctoring by Examination Supervisor with the help of periodic Images Captured during the test, Video Recording and Click-by-click audit trail of the student.
Proctored Online Test is a replica of offline Test where invigilation of the test is done through Live Online Proctor with the help of Artificial Intelligence. Students will be supervised with the help of camera and mic on their Laptop/Desktop / Mobile. Artificial Intelligence tracks and monitors each and every activity of students viz face detection, face recognition, detecting multiple faces, detecting objects like books, mobile phone etc, navigation away from the test screen, detecting dual screen attached to the system, detecting secondary sound source etc. It means, in case student does any other activity on his/her system apart from giving the test, artificial intelligence starts giving Red Alert/Warning to the student and passes this information to the Live Proctor in text, image & live video format. In case repeated warnings cross a threshold, it will debar the student from continuing in the test further.
During the test student’s all actions and activities will be recorded and supervised remotely. Proctor gets notified if the student is suspected of cheating through a detailed log of suspicious browser activity and audio-visual events that get recorded during the exam. Proctor can send a warning to the student at any time through chat, like a proctor can say if he doesn’t like something about the candidate surroundings or feels he needs to sit straight etc.
After the test, all suspicious activity logs are then checked by Examination Supervisor who refers to the candidate images that are captured periodically and recorded video along with all the warnings that were generated during the test.
Using technology to ensure the right talent is rewarded, FIITJEE is the first institute in the country to conduct Proctored Online Scholarship cum Admission Test (POSAT).