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A recent nationwide survey by Bumble, the women-first social networking app, revealed that New Delhi saw the highest number of break ups (28%) during the lockdown in 2020, the reason being “change in priorities due to COVID”.

Bumble also revealed a new trend in India–the rise in new dawn daters. 1 in 2 (over 46%) people on Bumble in India are likely to be “New Dawn Daters” – people who are newly single after experiencing a break-up during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. According to Bumble’s internal research, the biggest driver of break ups was the inability to see a partner (46.45%), 1 in 3 people (29%) also said that the pandemic has precipitated existing issues.

However, as we enter a new year, 2021 brings in a sense of optimism for single Indians as they are more intentional about finding love in 2021. Bumble’s internal survey found that the experiences of 2020 have made women more likely to focus on the right qualities in a potential partner, rather than putting pressure on themselves and rushing into things.

Speaking on this new trend, Samarpita Samaddar, Bumble India PR Director said, “2020 appears to have given women in particular the time, space and courage to end a relationship which they knew wasn’t working, allowing them to focus on themselves instead. As we enter into 2021, there is a feeling of hope as young single Indians, particularly women, are overcoming the uncertainty of this new normal and taking steps towards a happier, healthier year. We predict that dating will ramp up in early 2021, as 69% of Bumble daters (globally) say they’re planning to use dating apps just as much as they did last year, if not more through Valentine’s Day 2021.”

Tips for a New Dawn Dater:

There are a few simple things you can do to make your Bumble profile shine:

Our studies have shown that the more information that someone shares on their profile, the more likely they are to find a new connection on Bumble.

  • Make sure to complete your bio: People on Bumble in India receive 41% more matches than people who leave it blank or don’t complete it.
  • Lead with humour and positivity: Focus on what you like rather than what you don’t like, what you are looking for rather than what you aren’t.
  • Utilize the full suite of photos – People on Bumble in India who add four to six photos to their profiles receive 30% more matches than people with less than three photos.
  • Your first photo should be just you, so all your potential matches know whose profile they are looking at. That said, a few group photos with friends are great to include as well. Use your photos as a way to express information about yourself – if you love travelling, include some photos from your trips, or if you love cooking, include some photos of you in the kitchen or at your favourite restaurant.
  • Take advantage of Bumble’s Badges features which allows you to easily indicate things like your height, star sign, religion, political leanings, if you have pets etc. – adding a Badge increases your chance of getting a match by up to 96% than people who don’t.
  • Verify your profile and get the blue tick of approval –  With just a few simple steps, it makes the community collectively safer, and verified profiles are 81% more likely to get a match!
  • The most active day for Indians is Sunday, and the most popular time is between 8 pm – 10 pm, so head in to the app at those times to watch your matches light up!
  • Finally, make your boundaries and intentions clear from the start: People who share what kind of dates they are comfortable with through Bumble’s new dating badges (virtual, socially-distanced, or socially-distanced with masks) see a 43% increase in matches than those who don’t. Every dater appreciates honesty and transparency – so be comfortable identifying your boundaries and communicating them!

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