LG Electronics India welcomes the festival of lights by celebrating its unique initiative called ‘Karein Roshni’. In 2019 LG Electronics pledged to support Dr Shroff’s Charity Eye Hospital & Sankara Eye Foundation for Cornea eye transplant surgeries of people who cannot afford treatment due to financial constraints. Under the aegis of this initiative, LG has launched a heartwarming video showcasing the journey of a farmer who lost his vision while working in farms and how timely medical care helps him get back his vision.
It is an emotional story of a farmer, Anil who loved his work and wanted to provide his family with the best of everything – showing his routine. The story moves to his dark past, where after an unfortunate accident he has lost his vision. As the story progresses, we see Anil getting the right treatment by Dr Shroff’s Charity Eye Hospital. The video ends by showcasing Anil’s happy smiling face after getting back his sight.
Commenting on the initiative, Young Lak Kim, Managing Director, LG Electronics India said, “LG has always believed in enhancing and improving the lives of people and this unique initiative is LG’s small step to contribute to the society by bringing vision to people’s lives who cannot afford quality care. We are proud to partner with the dedicated and proficient team at Dr Shroff’s Charity Eye Hospital & Sankara Eye foundation for this initiative, that will help us lend support to the cause of helping visually-impaired people. This Diwali, LG wants to light up the lives and we are thankful to all the people who are associating with our case and helping visually impaired people realize their dream of seeing this world come true with this initiative.”
Dr Umang Mathur- Executive Director Dr Shroff’s Chrity Eye Hospital said, “In India around 4.8 MN people suffer from blindness and 0.35 MN people suffer from corneal blindness. In fact, corneal blindness has become 2nd biggest reason after cataract for blindness with 20-25 K patients added every year. With our patient numbers and corneal transplant surgeries growing by the day, any kind of support from brands like LG Electronics always help. We are thankful to LG Electronics for its generous support in sponsoring the eye surgeries of people who cannot afford quality eye care.”
LG Electronics has always believed in enriching the lives of people and through this initiative, the brand is set to lend its support to the cause of helping visually-impaired people.